Sunday 13 May 2012

Site Visit. No. 1.

The site visit as a whole group was immensely helpful. Not only did we get the chance to explore the neighbourhood and really get a feel for the area as well as our chosen site, but we also got to go through the restaurant and truly realise how the site we are dealing with works and the cityscape it looks out to. Whilst observing the site and its surrounding we took note of common characteristics in the landscape, being one where the streetscape is mainly concrete forming an urban landscape. We also took note of the durable yet oversized Plein trees, which provide great shade for the facing properties. We also took note of the highly residential nature of the street, yet occasionally, you come across a restaurant or commercial facility, just like Mezzaluna. We stated that this was the case as during the settlement, businesses first settled on the high side of any area (being Macleay St). We also noted that the street was dominated by Victorian terraces as well as the occasional art deco and 1970's apartment block. 

These are just a few snapshots taken on the day...

 View of behind the row of terraces on Victoria street, including the supporting brick arch system beneath
 View of the cityscape taken from the deck of Mezzaluna
 View looking down onto the bottom seating level of Mezzaluna
 View of the drop in levels of the site (16 steps down)
 Its a long way down! View taken of the steps going down to the back of Victoria street. The steps provided the perfect lookout onto the site as well as what was hiding beneath and behind it!
 View of the streetscape of Victoria street, focusing on the Victorian terraces, a feature of the British colonisation of Australia. Whilst observing the site and its surroundings, we discussed the surrounding architecture, taking note of the Victorian terraces and their disconnection towards the Australian landscape. In particular, the overhanging balconies on each level which shade the level below and thus allow minimal light into the terrace itself, especially the basement level. 
View of the secret garden hiding behind Victoria street. 
 Shot taken looking up to the row of terraces on Victoria St as well as the supporting arch system. 

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