Sunday 22 April 2012

And The Lightbulb Went Bing.

Puzzles. Puzzle Pieces. How Do They Fit. What Do They Create. What Do They Signify. 

The thought of puzzles came to me when I was trying to explore the concepts for assessment two and find something that would link all three. Maison A Bordeaux by Rem Koolhaas really is a puzzle, comprising of three different shells when all put together work amazingly, but separately, fail miserably. His concoction for this house really is a metaphor for a puzzle, he has not only constructed a house but has constructed a new life for his owner, one that when all the pieces are put together flows perfectly. 

-Portholes: precisely map a series of formal devices in the architecture and closely examine the relationship between these strategies and the domestic activities within the house - relationship between the overall form/function with appearance and use

-Public Vs. Private: map the relationship of public to private spaces in the house and the way in which these zones are distinguished or architecturally articulated. 

- Materiality: examine the architectural attitude towards material in the house, the material choices employed and the relationships between the different material. Search for connections between this attitude and the architectural patterns of domestic occupation. 

Koolhaas = G-d

Hypothesis: PUZZLES

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